2016.08.24山海的傳唱-感恩!祭典之美:第六屆全國學生台灣原住民海報創作競賽成果巡迴展Singing of Formosan Aborigines .In Praise of Heaven And Earth !The Beauty of Ceremonies .The Exhibition of Wining Works in 2015 Students' Indigenous Poster Design Competition
2016.06.19金犢獎大獲全勝:2金、2銅、4佳作、22優選2016 Times young Creative awards/ two golden awards、two bronze awards
2016.05.31「閱讀時間」何堯智創作展“ Reading Time” - Solo Exhibition by Ho,Yao-Chih
2016.05.25前進瑞士EPAC移地教學Exchange teaching with EPAC of Switzerland
2016.05.15金點新秀設計獎1件、9入圍2016 Young Pin Design Award/ one Young Pin Design Award
2016.04.28Beyond the Control Solo Exhibition by Feng, Chen-Chih
2016.04.21育秀盃創意獎企業創意行銷1銀獎、1佳作Y.S. Award/ one Corporate creative marketing award、one Award for Excellent
2016.04.08Between Appliance And Unappliance:Hung-Tw, Ko Design & illustration