Graduation Requirements 畢業資格
Undergraduate Program
1. In accordance with MCU General Provisions for Study, all undergraduate students must pass the basic
core competences for Service-Learning, English Proficiency,Information Technology Proficiency,
Chinese Proficiency, Sports Ability, and the Fundamental Professional Competencies in order to graduate.
2.In order to graduate, all undergraduate students in Commercial Design Department should pass the
Graduation Project report review, exhibit their created works and receive approval from the department.
Moreover, they must take part in at least one design competition at home or abroad (work submitted
for competition must firstbe approved by the student’s advisor).
並於「畢業前至少參加國內外重大設計競賽乙次 (作品須經指導老師同意)」,始得畢業。
3. Students need to complete 12 General Education credits before graduation. General Education at MCU is
divided into the 3 disciplines of Humanities, Social Science,and Natural Science. Each of these is divided
into the 2 categories of Core courses and Extended courses. Each student needs to complete 2 credits in
each category of each discipline.
每個領域再分「核心」、「延伸」二類,每個學生在每一領域的每一 類至少必須修一門課2學分方得畢業。
4.A total of 128 credits are required for graduation, which include university core curriculum of 28 credits
(inclusive of 12 General Education credits), 62 professional requiredcourse credits, and 38 elective course
credits (to include a minimum of 20 professional elective course credits within this department).
Master’s Program
1. In order to graduate, master students need to complete a minimum of 37 credits in required and
elective courses. According to the MCU examination regulation for a master’s degree, students need
to pass required examinations and complete all graduation requirements.
2. Based on the Commercial Design Department Enforcement Rules of Fundamental Professional
Competence Requirements, the graduation requirements for master’s
students are as follows:
(1)Before graduation, master’s students need to participate in at least one international design competition
which is included on the list of MOE-recognized international art and design competitions for students.
(2) Master’s students need to pass the final review of their design creation exhibit in the second semester
of their 1st year.
(3) Master’s students should have at least one paper accepted for a journal or conference prior to graduation.
(4) Master’s students need to pass the mid-term review of their creation exhibition and report.
(5) Master’s students need to pass the review of their public graduation creation exhibition and research thesis.