2017.09.21【Across the Universe】王開立-立體造型創作展"Across the Universe" Solo Exhibition by Wang, Kai- Li
2017.08.15*賀**德國紅點設計獎-傳達設計獎 |紅點獎|bago/ 2017 Red dot award: Communication design/ Red dot award / bago
2017.08.10【夢想】楊峰榮攝影個展Dream - Solo Photography Exhibition by Yang, Feng- Jung
2017.06.03*賀**法國巴黎國際攝影比賽 |優選| Wanderer/ 2017PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS / honorable mention / Wanderer
2017.05.22*賀** 「邊緣色」獲2017金點新秀設計獎2017 Young Pin Design Award/ one Young Pin Design Award
2017.04.14【生活】Eye Candle造型蠟燭作品展Life- The Exhibition of Eye Candle Modeling Candle Studio
2017.03.16【台灣12月令畫】柯鴻圖繪畫展Taiwan-Nature of the Twelve Months- Solo Painting Exhibition by Ko, Hung-Tu
2017.03.03*賀**方菁容老師榮升副教授Congratulations on Dr. Fang, Ching- Jung's promotion to associate professor
2017.02.17【故事】詹楊彬詹廸薾插畫聯展Story Illustration Exhibition by Jan, Yang- Bing and Deer Jan
2017.01.28*賀**日本GATSBY CREATIVE AWARDS學生影像創作比賽| 準大獎THE GATSBY (第2名)|一樣尖